Life is challenging sometimes, we all have unique challenges and sometimes it’s hard to know where to turn or what to do. Understanding your Human Power Code and how to leverage it to quickly transform your life can mean the difference between living in a state of misery or fulfillment.
Having the ability is not our problem. Often times we put in tons of effort and try numerous approaches, only to find lackluster results at best and sometimes actually end up in a worse place then where we started. What if there was a better way, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to anticipate the outcome of a life change before you put in all the effort? I’m happy to tell you there is!
The HPC Living Membership is not a product, it’s an ongoing growth partnership between you and I. New content, new experiences, new insights throughout the month, every month.
Living Your HPC Monthly Training
Once a month you’ll receive exclusive HPC video/audio training and tools.
Your Questions Answered
I’ll answer member questions that offer HPC relevant insights for all users.
Members Only Podcasts
Full access to exclusive HPC Living member only weekly podcasts.
Universal Life Goals Workshops
Each month we’ll do some Lifescaping to help you align your HPC with the ULG.
If you’ve tried other programs and failed to get results, you’re not alone. If you’re tired of vague, fluffy ‘hope-it-works’ strategies and guidance, you’re in the right place. The Human Power Code offers a distinctive system and methodology designed to nurture aspects of your life that, even with minor adjustments, can significantly enhance your overall quality of life.
Whether your objective is personal growth through self-improvement or resolving conflicts in various relationships, the Human Power Code provides a clear path to empower you. It equips you with the skills to influence yourself and others effectively, ultimately enabling you to eliminate conflicts and work towards achieving your goals harmoniously.

Our systematic approach empowers you to perform a comprehensive self-analysis. This valuable tool enables you to harness your inner resources and unleash your full potential, giving you the opportunity to reach new heights in your personal and professional life.
You’re unique, and so are the needs and conditions to ensure you positively meet the requirements of your Human Power Code. Therefore, every action plan is custom-tailored to you through the use of specific tools and resources, ensuring you quickly achieve the desired results with the least amount of effort.
Experience the power of Lifescaping, a transformative method that harnesses tangible real-world changes to enhance your mental wellbeing, eliminating the need for discipline and positive thinking alone. With this approach, you’ll achieve tangible, rapid, and consistent results.
There are a lot of “self help” tools and resources in this world, believe me, I know. Some are good, some are garbage and the reality is you can loose yourself in all the options. Spending your life trying to figure out the good from the bad, the relevant to you versus the ones that speak to others can be expensive and disheartening. I’ve been down that path and can tell you the right resource can be life changing and priceless, the wrong resource can make you super efficient at blowing up your life while you’re living the “American Dream.”
The Human Power Code does not go deep into the weeds of psychological knowledge few need to know. When I fell on a hard time in my life and was searching for help and answers, I realized there was way too much information out there and much of it went way to deep over the heads of the average person. I hadn’t found the answers I was looking for and instead of giving up, I made the decision to dedicate my life to coming up with a system that worked for me. I knew if it would work for me, it would work for anyone. I spent years immersed in everything available out there seeking a solution that was fast, effective and easy to implement. I found what I was looking for and now I’m on a mission to share it. The HPC (Human Power Code) is very condensed and easy to understand and use. Once you understand the 4 fundamental concepts and how to apply them, you can easily use them to help guide your life in a much more positive and consistent way.
I created the HPC Membership because I know we all need support, especially when times are hard. Although not as ideal as working one on one with you, I know the consistent interaction and resources provided throughout the month will help you better understand and leverege the HPC. Through the insights shared, you’ll discover how the HPC is at work in so many aspects of life. Over time with your membership, you’ll gain a higher level of understanding and the skills and resources to master your life. Not only will you get good at maintaining control of your life, you’ll be able to use this knowledge to help others around you. Once build an awareness of how the HPC works, you’ll be able to better understand why others are struggling and help them find a better path forward. We won’t be wasting time together, everything I’ll be sharing will be relevant to our modern world and solely focused and giving your the power to get the results you want in life.
- The highly motivated
- The hungry
- The hurting
- If you’re lazy
- If you just want to spend money to fix your problem
- If you want to use this information to take advantage of others.
I hope you’ll join me by signing up for a HPC Living Membership, I know you’ll find it life changing and beneficial. I’m so confident in that, if you’re not satisfied after your first month, just say so and you’ll immediately get a full refund. I’m not here for your money, I’m here to help you get the most out of life and if I’m not doing my job, I don’t deserve your money and more importantly, your time.
Dan Hartjoy
pain has a purpose, it’s intended to encourage us to find a better path and grow
Your future is bright
Your past does not determine your future. If you’re reading this, I know your life has an abundance of untapped potential for greatness. At my lowest I felt hopeless, like I didn’t belong in this world. Back then nobody could’ve convinced me otherwise. I took a leap of faith and put my trust in the HPC. After making some pretty simple changes, I found hope, renewed drive and more fulfillment in life than ever before.
Will everything go perfect and without setbacks? No, of course not. One thing I can tell you with certainty, is that understanding the HPC can give you an amazing amount of power when times are tough. You’ll be able to see where you are out of alignment, know what you need to do to get things back on track and know what you can expect when you do. Simply knowing how you can resolve your pain can give you a psychological resilience that can keep you strong in times of challenge.
Interested in learning more? Explore the frequently asked questions here. If you don’t find the answers you’re looking for, use the link below to get the information you need.